It's Been Awhile...

Ugh, I'm mad because I just wrote a nice little update on our lives since it's been forever since we've written, and there was some error and it got erased! It was probably because I had left the page open since last night and so it signed off or something.
Still annoying.
Anyway, I'm going to try and make a real effort to update our blog more! Because I think blogging is a great idea.
I'm in an english class where I have to write 150 words everyday. It is supposed to help us stay current on our assignments, and that is what I usually use it for, but sometimes it would be nice to just write a nice little note on the blog :)
I still have to figure all of this out, though. I think I can handle it.
I'm going to try and figure out how to do pictures...
Yay, I figured it out!
This is the first meal we cooked at our apartment after being married. It's this delicious recipe from a cookbook that Josh's sister, Jen, gave us.
I think it's so good because it has sugar in the crust and sauce...

This is when we got ambitious and wanted to send out Christmas cards, so we took pictures for it and stopped there. At least we got some cute pictures though! We'll aim for cards next year...

This is from a similar occasion. It's probably one of my favorites.

It is a constant struggle for Josh and I to keep living in our apartment. It is old, dirty (beyond what cleaning can fix), and we have to walk across a common hallway from our bedroom to our living area. What keeps us living here is how cheap it is.
So one day, we decided we would just make the best of it and do what we could to improve the appearance of our apartment. Where did we go? To Ikea, of course!
We ended up a photograph, some new picture frames, a couple of pillows, and some curtains.
The curtains had some extra fabric on the bottom, so obviously I thought to make a headwrap out of it. Here is the outcome.

That's the update. We'll see how often I can get on here, it's kind of relaxing, but also stressful at the same time because I know there are other things I should be doing...


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