For me however, this seems not to be the case. Today was Day 1 of no classes and all I managed to do--for school at least-- was my finance review sheet.
I did many things un-related to school though...I took a 2 yr-old to go see the fishtanks in the bottom of the Widtsoe Building, I talked to my high school basketball coach for the first time in 4 years, I got my hair cut (pictures will follow shortly), and I looked at a lot of pictures on Facebook (and yes, those are listed in order of importance).
So, while I did not do too many things in the area of academia, I am okay with that. I just need to embrace the things I do get done.
It really is nice to not have class, though. Josh and I got to go to a movie for the first time in forever last night because we were feeling un-stressed enough. That's really saying something, for both of us to feel that way at the same time. We went to see Valentine's Day at the dollar theatre, starring every famous person ever.
The downside was that every love story involved sex (except for the elementary schooler). The upside was that the high schoolers didn't have sex. And I liked how it showed many different types of love. It reminded me a little of Love Actually (my favorite movie, which I lost and am still heartbroken about it). But mostly it was just fun to get out. With Josh.
And more than mostly, I love Josh!
We are coming up on our one year anniversary of meeting. The spring weather just reminds me of when we dated (for the long time that it was) and it is so wonderful to remember! I'm excited for another summer with him.